Grimm Returns!
TAODS is delighted to announce that we are bringing back More Grimm Tales! Phillip Pullman's celebrated telling of these age old tales adapted for the stage by Philip Wilson went down a treat when we presented them a the Hippodrome back in 2019. So we're back for more!
We're also thrilled that Justine Sutcliffe as agreed to return to her role as director! There are no safer hands to bring the mystique and mischief to life.
This production will be performed in the round so there are limited seats. Even though we have added a matinee performance, we strongly advise booking early to avoid disappointment.

Justine Sutcliffe assisted by Coordinator Chloe McNeil will again be at the helm of Grimm Tales

In the Round
If you came to Grimm Tales last time, you’ll know how special our little performance space is. Dropped right in the middle of the stalls, with seats so close you could reach out and touch the action – it’s a very different atmosphere from our usual performances.
Harking back to the tradition of gathering to hear stories, this really is a little bit of magic for all the family. Simply staged to poke your imagination to life – using puppets, props and costumes – More Grimm Tales is a chance to step out of reality for an evening, a chance to indulge your inner-child and warm a Winter’s night.
Performing for All
Here at the Hippodrome, we are keen to make our building and our performances as accessible as possible. We already offer discounted ticket prices to those with access needs, and you might have seen our plans for the new extension which include better access to the building.
For More Grimm Tales, we are trialling something new - we are delighted to share with you that we are dipping our toe into the waters of signed performances! Jenny, one of our performers, is an accessibility and wellbeing officer in her real life and she is learning to sign. She will be signing a simplified version of Rapunzel live at each performance.
Although it’s only one of the six stories - this is a super step forwards and we are really grateful to Jenny for agreeing to try it out.

Casting Announced
After a fabulous evening of storytelling, we’re pleased to announce our ensemble for our production of More Grimm Tales: