Meet Our Trustees

President of T.A.O.D.S.
David Winslow
I became involved in the Hippodrome and the two societies that performed there in 1969. My initial interests were in scenery construction and stage management. I became chairman of the social committee in the early 1970’s where we developed the fund-raising side and started the licensed bar. I met my wife Gillian at the Hippodrome soon after and we started a lifelong hobby which our daughter Emma joined us in when old enough. I was involved in the negotiations for Todmorden Players and Todmorden AOS to amalgamate in the mid 80’ and to buy the theatre from Hartley Cinemas soon after. In 1986 I was elected as Chair of T.A.O.D.S. before becoming President in 2020. The Hippodrome has become a major part of the social life of Todmorden and I am proud to be one of the team leading it to even bigger and better things.

Alan Sutcliffe
I have been active member of the hippodrome theatre since joining the stage staff in1981 and have lived and worked in and around Todmorden all my life.
I performed in my first Gang Show age 10 in 1976 and was in the next 6. At 14 I did community service for Scouts on the stage staff and have never left. Other than time in the Gang Show I have always worked back-stage or front of house, having been lighting engineer for many shows in 1990's and on the bar when required.
I felt honoured when I was asked to become a trustee when we became a CIO and feel very passionate about keeping the theatre going ( 2 of my children now work professionally in theatre having been inspired by their experiences whilst being members of our youth theatre and stage crew) and feel that my knowledge of the society, building and community are an asset as we move forwards

Secretary to the Trustees
Rachel Rogers
Contact our trustees
You can contact our trustees by completing the contact form below.
Alternatively you can write to us at:
Hippodrome Theatre
Halifax Road
West Yorkshire
OL14 6AU
You should mark any post for the Trustees clearly:
For The Attention of Trustees Secretary

Chair of T.A.O.D.S.
Helen Clarkson
The theatre has been a part of my life for many years and I both run the Youth Theatre and Musically Direct the Adult Musical section of the society. When the society changed to become a CIO, I volunteered to become a trustee as I knew that my skills as a Headteacher, managing budgets, teams and individuals, would be useful, as would my working knowledge of the organisation.
I have a deep bond with the theatre, having met my husband there and enjoyed our hobby with both of our
children who performed with the Youth theatre from age 8 to 18. I became Chair of T.A.O.D.S. in 2020 and I am passionate about ensuring its continuation as an important part of the local community.

Rowena Green
I initially became involved with the Hippodrome to support my children by doing "my bit" as a volunteer. My experience at that point was bar work/hospitality so this is the team I joined. Quite quickly I volunteered to be the Bar Lead. One of my children has gone to work as Stage Manager for Northern Ballet, building on the skills and experience he gained whilst volunteering at the Hippodrome. He continues to volunteer for TAODS, passing his knowledge on to new volunteers.
Over the years I have been a school governor both in the role of staff and as a parent so have a good understanding 'business and finance’. Professionally, I work in child safeguarding in education, giving me a useful skill I can bring to TAODS. For me, TAODS work at the Hippodrome has offered a safe and learning haven for so many which is why I felt I could contribute towards it's "future" and take on the role of trustee.

George Mitchell
I first became involved with T.A.O.D.S. at 19 when I played in the Orchestra for the shows. It was there that I met my wife who was Chorus Mistress and Accompanist for the Society. I was asked to take over the role of Musical Director and continued in that position for ten years. My eldest Son had become involved in forming the new Youth Society and was Musical Director of that group at the age of sixteen. After being a Director of an Office Furniture Manufacturer I bought my own business and was Chairman and Managing Director for the following thirty years, employing 160 people locally. During that time, I was appointed Chairman of the Board of the British Furniture Manufacturers Association and carried out that role for over 10 years. I was also appointed Master of the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers in the City of London in 2007.
I believe that it was due to my business background as well as my commitment to the organisation that I was asked to become a Trustee to ensure the success of the organisation in the future.